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Sabtu, 28 September 2013

Trading System

In game trading system is always important to all users. When you obtain some equipments that not suitable for yourself, you may use the trade system to trade it with your friends.

1. Player to NPC
Right click to NPC to trade.

2. Player to Player
Close distance normal trade

Click on the head of the target of trading to apply transactions when both parties get along very close or click on the friends name in the Friends menu interface to apply transactions

Receiving a prompt after apply ( above the character coins icon)

Comfirm to process trade.

Once open the trade menu, player may drag the item that wanted to trade in the trade window inventory.

Right click on the trading item or left button press and hold the items drag to trade item bar, press the lock button and wait for the opposing player to locked transaction items, click the trade button to complete the transaction.

Booth Trading
Open the list of stall, you can view related booths items, enter the keyword at the types of keywords you want to find, you can find the items you want.

Open booth interface, click on the item was added in catalog on selected parcels to sell items, items for sale can be set to the Gold or gold coin trading, it also modify the name of their own booth.

Remote shopping, click booth in the package can be found in all current players booth. Or click on their name to view stalls.

* In inventory menu, right click the item you wanted to sell to the booth interface, re-click the right click to cancel.

* Setting the quantity and price

* Click item up button

* Click Edit button may edit the booth name and let other players to check on what is on sale in the booth.

Trading Rules

The transaction failed when occur the following condition:
1) Close of the transaction interface
2) The death of the one party of transaction
3) Any party switch scenes or leave the screen range
4) Any party dropped or left the game
5) Transactions between the two sides trading is unable to trade items
6) The item inventory is full

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