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Sabtu, 28 September 2013

Mission (Quest) System

In order to facilitate players to experience the plot of the protagonist in the game world climaxes in the story, "Bubble Ninja" provide the players with a perfect and intimate mission systems.

1. Mission shortcut key in game menu. Fast and easy

2. "Bubble Ninja" mission system is divided into the mission list and mission description.

The list can choose two types of mission: the current mission and assignable mission.

To display detailed information of the current mission in the mission description, including: Mission name, description, tracking, the mission offer NPC and reward.

Click on the mission tracking and the monster name and NPC name, you can automatically find its way to the corresponding monster and NPC.

Tips for mission at right bottom corner for easy checking.

When doing mission and accomplish mission, it will pop up the mission tracking automatically , this is easier for the players to complete the mission .

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