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Sabtu, 28 September 2013

8 Gate System

In a ninja body, there are 8 Gate, namely:
A gate, B gate, C gate, D gate, E gate, F gate, G gate and H gate

In each gate, there are acupuncture points and the number of acupuncture points varies from each acupuncture point. Your attributes will generally increase according to acupuncture point activated in your body.

To activate an acupuncture point, you require Chakra Essence and success chance also varies from each acupuncture point. There are 3 level of 8 Gate System:
  1. Normal (500 Chakra Essence consume per trial)
  2. Inner (1500 Chakra Essence consume per trial)
  3. Soul (3000 Chakra Essence consume per trial)

The steps to activate the 8 gate acupuncture points.

Open 8 gate menu and select the point you want to activate

Click the acupuncture point name to bring up the activate of the acupuncture points and operation menu. Please bear in mind, you only can activate acupuncture point according to the flow, however, you can choose to activate different Gate at anytime and it doesn’t need to follow the Gate sequence.

Click on the [ Activate ] button, Chakra Essence will be consumed in each trial to activate an acupuncture point. If the trial is a success, a timer will be shown on top of your character. Once the countdown finishes, an explosion will happen around your character and surrounding mobs will take damage. Should there are people around you; they will gain EXP from your action.

Tip: Consume 8 Gate Talisman to increase the chance of success when you need to activate higher end acupuncture point.

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