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Sabtu, 28 September 2013

Meditation System

Meditation is a new way to gain experience. Player do not have to go through the bloody fighting ninja world, by meditation themselves may also continue to upgrade their level,. without regard to bot up the risk of short of medicine, and do not have to worry about upgrade speed is too slow, just click on the meditation function keys, you can quickly get the desired experience value and essence of the chakras

In the interface, choose [Meditation] button to meditate.

Press X key for faster access.

1. During the meditation, player may activate the double meditation function. 20% up of Chakra essence and EXP compare with single meditation.

2. The condition of being double meditation,your partner must be at your side within a range of cells, either party interrupted meditation, would disrupt double meditation mode.

Training is another method to obtain EXP and Chakra essence.

Training mode is able to activate even the player is offline.

Training will automatically stop after 12 hours, please collect the benefit as soon as possible. In order to start the next training, player must consume a training talisman for double effect. If not the player will only receive the existing gain.

Inner Skill
Player may choose a inner skill for training during meditation.

By training of inner skill, it may help for lower the gold coin and chakra consume.

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